Snow plows and pedestrians
Does it ever seem like the city can plow the streets perfectly clear but the sidewalks are always a mess? Given that everyone walks, but only some drive, that doesn’t seem quite right. A particularly nasty recent storm drove the point home.
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List of published articles
I forgot to post another article that got published, so I thought I’d just make a list that I can keep updated over time.
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Sit/stand desk upgrade complete!
What a difference a year makes! I started on a big desk upgrade project — before that I was working on a pretty cheap Ikea desk — I started by choosing to get a sit/stand desk. Lots of people at work were getting them and I really buy the idea that standing is good for my health — and my fundamental principle is that moving positions frequently is best for my health. (Don’t get frozen in one position!)
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My op-ed article "Doug Ford raises Hamilton taxes" published
Continuing on the theme that my blog now exists only to advertise my articles in The Hamilton Spectator…
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Hamilton streets for the people published in The Spec
Exciting news! I have another opinion article published in my local newspaper, the Hamilton Spectator:
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Star Citizen's Tony Zurovec describes a scalable simulation based on real world quantum mechanics
It’s a lot of fun to watch Tony Z, the head of their Persistent Universe group, talk about his latest wizardry. I’ve written about Star Citizen before, so I won’t rehash the introduction. As I wrote before, the greatest thing about SC is that it’s a sandbox game. You can go anywhere, do anything, live a life, grow old and die, all the best parts of old school D&D sandbox games like I used to play as a kid.
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An introduction to The Wind Rises (2013) — for my movie club
For The Westdale Cinema’s virtual movie club series.
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Meeting the Beatles in India (2020) movie review
I wrote this up as a review on IMDb—the first review on IMDb for this film—and I thought I ought to post it here as well.
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A couple of opinion pieces published in my local newspaper
I’ve been fortunately recently to have two opinion pieces published by my local newspaper. I’m a bit old-fashioned perhaps when I submitted these to a print newspaper instead of something online, but it was enjoyable to see them in print.
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Climate Change and the Covid-19 Pandemic
I recently read an opinion article in the local paper arguing – rightly – that climate change is a much greater threat than the pandemic. But unfortunately it lead off by saying that climate change caused the pandemic:
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