
  • i18n L10N etc.

    Find out how KDE is doing at translating their system and documentation into 40 different languages, look at the pretty picture .

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  • A while ago but...

    The COOK report interviewed David Hughes about Wi-Fi .<blockquote>

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  • post

    I just released the 0.01 (pre-alpha) version of Alexandra , a roundtripping forms system that uses RNG (Relax NG), XSLT pipelining (using AxKit of course…;-) and presents in HTML forms. There’s an interactive demo to play with as well.

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  • post

    Just for the first time, I saw a posting on slashdot signed with a female name. (It was Allison.) This is the first time I can ever remember seeing that.

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  • Notice anything different?

    Yeah, I changed the font from verdana to just sans-serif. That means you, that’s right — you! — are now responsible for choosing a good default sans-serif font for your system. If you’re on Mac OS X, may I recommend Gills Sans for sans-serif and Hoefler Text for serif? They look very nice.

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  • RSS moved and some other deltas

    I just moved the weblog stuff into /weblog, and so the RSS Feed also moved. I also lost an entry I think. Oh well. Also more stuff validates now. Though not the weblog id’s I’m using. That’s too bad. But I don’t want to change them, because I think they are nice.

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  • post

    If you’re coming here from slashdot you might want to look at this other site I’m involved in .

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  • Yay!

    I just did some major updating in the “D&D subsite” of this website and amazingly enough, after moving around a LOT of files (seriously) everything still works. And, the Edion Sourcebook is now 100% XML … DocBook that is. Well, my aim is for Simplified DocBook but I used an automatic converter so I’m not sure. The docbook stylesheet set is huge and it takes it a few seconds to convert the docbook to XHTML but due to the magic of Axkit’s caching there’s no delay as long as the text doesn’t change.

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  • post

    Now read this … Steve Deering gave a brilliant talk at the 51st IETF meeting called Watching the Waist of the Protocol Hourglass . (PDF) Fundamentally it’s about end-to-end networking, which relies upon a very simple, ubiquitous protocol to run the internet. A protocol that’s called (believe it or not) the Internet Protocol. IP is very important. Then, when you’re done reading the incredible slides, go over to this page and watch the video! 22 minutes, Real , MPEG-1 .

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  • post

    Heh… this site was static content for like a week there because somehow AxKit got hosed when paul tried to upgrade it using debian apt or dselect or whatever. Man! What a nightmare. The only reason the site was still here was it was delivering from cache – content generation was totally broken. Now I’ve got all the code loaded into my home directory and all of the libraries and perl modules are under my home directory so now I have total control and I was able to hack it back into working shape after a few days and some fudging with the server .conf with paul. It’s back!!!

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