I just watched the movie Singin’ in the Rain… and by far the best part was this sequence where Gene Kelly dances a ballet with Cyd Charisse. Wow!

The set is a surreal, Dali-esque painting, which uses forced perspective to appear to vanish into infinity. It features stairs that look like stripes on the ground, strange shadows… but the most surreal is Charisse’s 50-foot long white silk veil, which wafts up into the sky like it’s floating on air. There must have been some incredible fans, and the choreography of the air current with the ballet is incredible.

I don’t know how Gene Kelly thought it up, and how he managed to get it made and into the movie. It has almost nothing to do with the plot. It’s totally unexpected, but mind blowing. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Here it is, but really, you should rent it or download it in high quality…
