FTX on 10.1.5
Circumstantial evidence (in the form of emails from users…) indicates that FTX 1.5 didn’t work very well on Mac OS X 10.1.5. Well, that’s what I get for upgrading all of my computers to 10.2. However with me making fixes and sending off test copies to the helpful users, it seems I’ve squished the bugs for now. Hence the updated FractalTrees 1.5.1 release. Oh yeah, and it’s open source software now too ;-)
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FTX 1.5
Check out the Fractal Trees section of the site for a new version of FractalTrees X . The new version 1.5 is lots more fun to play with. Written in the only practical GUI application environment, Cocoa.
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I just had this crazy idea. Could Mozilla be the next great word processor? I mean, what is there to a word processor? There’s a typing interface, a data format, a display engine, and various support tools. Mozilla is a display engine that follows industry standards very well. Those standards – especially with CSS2 support – make HTML a fully qualified data format for a word processor. Mozilla has an HTML editor that could be modified to make a good typing interface, so all that’s needed are the support tools. The documents are HTML pages with CSS, so that they can be viewed in any browser, published on the web instantly, and edited in a wide variety of editors as long as they support the standards.
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D&D fans rejoice … I just updated the Edion Sourcebook as well.
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Well, the transcript project seems to be dead after getting a good 40 minutes down on paper. However, today I bring you an updated D&D subsite … ye-haw! OK, there’s no new content, but the Edion Handbook is substantially easier to navigate and read online now, and the pages are streamlined.
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Microsoft / University of Waterloo EngSoc Forum transcript project . A project to transcribe the mp3 recording made by the Feds.
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Updated the layout of the site and a bunch of the miscellaneous pages. I discarded some of the really old stuff. You might also want to check out Semacode . Or, you might not.
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Updated the ol’ site design. Yeah, it looks exactly the same in most browsers, but it’s now fully good-looking in Mozilla (on OS X) and it’s better designed. Most of the pages meet the W3C spec so I added that to the bottom.
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FractalTrees X 1.2 is now available .
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Lots of updates. (the Open CECS Online) website appears to be dead, so I removed that link. I revised my sidebar so it should be more logical now. The old links there are now on the links page, and I put up some new useful links.
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