Simon Woodside | Bottlenose
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Bottlenose is a system I'm working on to marry native application views with HTML/CSS/Javascript user interfaces. The general idea is that in order to create a regular application, normally the programmer has to implement the whole user interface. With Bottlenose, a graphic designer can implement the user interface themselves, using the usual HTML tools, and then bolt it onto the native application using asynchronous javascript.

I have a preliminary implementation available for Mac OS X (as open source) in the form of a demonstration app. I took the LiveVideoMixer example from the XCode 2.1 tools and built a very simple HTML interface. You can download that.

My next step is to run a contest for HTML/CSS/Javascript ("JHC") designers and graphic designers to modify the HTML/CSS/Javascript in the LiveVideoMixer Demo to make it look really slick. Then I would use that to help promote the whole thing.

Download 0.1a: Bottlenose LiveVideoMixer Demo 0.1a (contains dev guide)

  • Based on Apple's LiveVideoMixer example. "LiveVideoMixer demonstrates customized video rendering with QuickTime 7 VisualContext and CoreVideo buffers. It also uses OpenGL for compositing and multitexturing."

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