
  • Better reading with google

    So let’s say you are reading along and you want to read MIT’s Technology Review article: A Remote Control For Your Life . And then they want you to pay and you don’t want to pay. OK, fine but how is it that the content of the article got indexed into google in the first place? Well as it turns out, they just check the User-Agent string on the HTTP requests. So if you were clever you would just do this:

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  • Wireless and Mobile WorldExpo

    It’s not too often that there’s an interesting conference on Mobile technologies in Toronto. It’s also pricey … about $1000 for both days and $500 for one day. I’m kind of hoping that one of the two days (July 21, 22) will be clearly better than the other one, and I’ll just make a day trip out of it.

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  • XSLT code to create XML output from XML in an <xsl:variable>

    Here’s some code I just wrote in order to parse out XML from a string in XSLT. In XSLT, URL parameters are received in the string type. You can’t just copy them into the output because they will be fully entity encoded. So, let’s say you wanted to have a form field where someone could enter XHTML, and then you’d store that into an XML file. Of course you don’t want to store <p>whatever…</p> into the file. So you have to actually process the incoming string and then create output XML elements as you go. In order to get you started here’s some XSLT code that does an OK job of this:

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  • Steve Forrest gets a livejournal?

    Did Steve Forrest start a livejournal ? Yes he did. It seems however to be mostly about the elections so I am not sure if he will ever use it again.

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  • it's been done already

    picturephoning writes about Fujitsu’s “new” technique for embedding a barcode into an otherwise normal looking image. It has, however, already been done. At least one example, Dataglyph , was developed at least as early as 1995 (see citeseer ) and maybe earlier, I haven’t tracked it all the way down yet. These techniques all amount to essentially the same thing, which is steganography . The main disadvantage of this technique for the kind of applications that Fujitsu, PARC, and others imagine is a simple matter of UE, user experience . If the users can’t see the message, how do they know it’s there?

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  • My first trackback to

    On the continuous quest to make this handrolled blog work better with other people’s blogs, I added today the ability to track back to other people’s blogs. You can’t trackback to me (yet anyway). But I can do it to you :-). So, my last post was my first trackback.
    There’s a lot of stuff to do. Next I need to configure it to ping Technorati as well.
    How does it work? It’s my special brew. ALL XSLT. All the time.

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  • spotcodes

    Spotcodes are kind of low bandwidth compared to semacode, but they are kind of pretty. I think the video they put out of using the phone as a mouse was kind of silly since you could just use a touchscreen. But what do I know?

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  • internet to the rescue

    So I’ve been dealing with this Finnish company and I have this absolutely crazy problem that I can’t pronounce half of their names. I feel really bad about it but I’ve never seen a name like Yliharju and when I call their office I have to spell it out for the receptionist. So now I googled for “finnish pronounce” and found this awesome site, How to pronounce Finnish names . It soothes me by saying:<blockquote>Many Finnish names seem quite long and contain strange letters which doesn’t make figuring out how to pronounce them very easy. But now this huge problem which has bothered the greatest minds of the world for years has been finally solved :-) Just select one of the nine categories below and click on the name you want to hear and you’ll soon pronounce Finnish names perfectly! </blockquote>

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  • high speed is back

    Finally. After a week in dial-up hell, I’m finally back online for real, ethernet-style. What a relief.

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  • speed up big xslt data sets

    A recent thread on axkit-users brought me this tip. If you have an XML data store with a large number of nodes, you can use xsl:key to pre-create an index on the table. David Nolan (of CMU) wrote (link not available, sorry)

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