CG people getting really really close to photoreal still people
Follow the link to see what I mean. UPDATE: this is a computer graphic image, not a photograph!
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watch out for wireless VoIP (
Witness the first mobile phone + wVoIP . This is a mobile phone with two radios, one for GSM and the other for Wi-Fi. So when you’re in a Wi-Fi hotspot, you Skype. When not, you cell. It’s brilliant.<div class="floating_right">
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state of the server
The official server, froodily hosted by Paul Schreiber went down at 2005/04/26 at 9:30 PM (Eastern) and came back up at 2005/04/28 at 12:40 PM, after which time the web server was still not responding for some hours. Paul is travelling and anyway he lives in California while the server is in Toronto, so there’s always a bit of lag time when it needs to be physically rebooted.
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PTT is stupid and will never be popular
OK, I’m tired and I still haven’t really started digging into my email pile, so here’s my prediction of the hour. Push To Talk on mobile phones will never be popular. Mobile operators seem to want this to happen, but it’s not going to. It’s just an unwieldy way to communicate. It will probably keep a niche in field staff verticals but otherwise, forget about it.
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email death spiral
I’m caught in an email death spiral. I have so many emails that I can’t read them all without some serious pain. So I don’t read them. Then more emails come in, and the situation gets worse!
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Nokia's Red Screen of Death
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How to decompile and obfuscate in MIDP on OS X
OK, just some notes. To decompile any java jar, use something like this:
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HOWTO develop Symbian apps using Mac OS X
I just posted a HOWTO for building Symbian C++ apps on OS X. It’s based on the previous HOWTO for OS X and Linux but heavily modified. My goal has always been to do everything on OS X and now I’ve achieved that goal. So, check out the link to see the howto and get going with Symbian dev on OS X already.
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Success! Built Symbian C++ app on OS X!
Sweet. I just build and installed and ran the series 60 “form” example app .. from Mac OS X!
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make bittorrent go faster
I never realized this before, but you can in fact make bittorrent go a LOT faster if you are behind a NAT box by correctly configuring port forwarding. All you have to do is make sure that ports 6881-6899 (or if you like with newer versions, 6999) get forwarded to your local machine. You can get your local address, if you’re on OS X, using the command ifconfig.
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