Some interesting flickr keyword searches (or tags whatever)
Just though of looking at some interesting words in flickr. I just saw some persons blog where they were talking about the power of words. Well, I’m a person with a fairly large vocabulary. Not that I deliberately use pedantic words (like in monty python:
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embedding of flickr
I’m testing the use of an iframe to embed a flickr photo slideshow into the weblog.
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This thrillingly exciting unix tool also has a great page about it, Sed - An Introduction and Tutorial . It starts with “The Awful Truth about sed” which is simple … “the documentation is terrible”.
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mobile CSS
I decided to revisit the mobile CSS situation today. It’s actually pretty good. HTML Dog has a pretty good update as the to the situation but I’ll summarize it for you.
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It's tags after all
Well I changed my mind and decided to call my categories “tags” after all. Just seems to make more sense. On the other hand, my siteware allows me to use multi-word tags.
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Categories are here!
Well, it’s been a long time, but I finally added categories to my blog software. You’ll notice the category browser up there at the top. Also, each entry that has a category indicated will list them at the bottom in [square brackets]. So you can for example view all my posts on the subject of Apple . Or whatever.
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Manhattan, greenest city in the USA
Follow das link, below, to learn why Manhattan is ultra green. Here’s the first two paragraphs of the monograph. Got this from Veritas et Venustas a blog about smart growth and, if you want, US baseball.<blockquote>
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mailman RSS, and virtual hosts on localhost
In 2003, on the W3C www-rdf-interest mailing list, Dan Brickley wrote :<blockquote>I just stumbled across this after an #rdfig discussion about adding RSS support to Mailman, the popular list management and HTML archiving package. Turns out the patch exists already (but wasn’t intergrated yet). It took me less than 10 minutes to patch my Mailman installation and rebuild the archives for rdfweb-dev. I now have generated automatically. See for the (trivial to apply) patch and related info. Just cd into the Mailman/Archiver/ directory and do ‘patch < ~danbri/rss.patch’ or whatever, then re-run bin/arch on your archives. The markup exported is fairly basic, but sets things up nicely for future extensions – you could add in richer descriptions of the mailing lists fairly easily, though I’m not sure how best one would hook such information up to Mailman’s www-based frontend. </blockquote>
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Configuring awstats for Debian Sarge
It seems that AWStats is without a doubt the best stats package out there these days. And you can get it easily enough on debian with apt-get. But it still requires a bit of configuration. Here’s what I’ve done so far.
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The good CVS book
There is one good online CVS guide and manual, and it’s this one: Open Source Development With CVS . It’s also a real book, and although the version I’m pointing you to may well be not the latest edition, it’s still really, really good.
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