
  • funny comment on slashdot

    OK, make that funny but TRUE:

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  • You've got to be kidding me

    Read this and then ask me whether or not I’m going to insert the rdf:about attribute into my weblog’s RSS 1.0 output. I’m not going to repeat the same damn link URL twice in my data just because some RDF weenies think there’s a difference between a URI and a whatever even if they are both the same, character-for-character. Since the name “link” just makes more sense, and it’s used by more people, I’m using that.

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  • Tribute to Marilyn Monroe

    For some reason I’ve been having a mini Marilyn Monroe kick these last few days. Well, inspired (or maybe bored) by an out-of-inodes failure on I dashed off this little piece of contretemps: Inodes are a girl’s best friends .

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  • magic email fixed itself

    My email magically fixed itself today. The estimable Mr. Paul Schreiber is a bit miffed because he lost his error logs and now he won’t get a chance to yell at Yahoo! or the team or whoever was responsible for my emotional distress.

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  • how to log

    To log’s activity on a specific port, launch it from the Terminal. Use the option: -LogActivityOnPort ## where ## is the port number you want to watch. 25 is for smtp, 110 is for POP.

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  • the video cell phone

    MIT’s Media Lab has a weblog by interactive cinema group , where they use Nokia 3650 camera phones to make little videos. The videos are stored in a format that ends with .3gp and thus presumably has something to do with 3GPP. But they use the H.263 codec. The video is tiny, and the sound is poor, but it’s a start.

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  • Ludovic's weblog, camino

    Ludovic Hirlimann has a weblog where he talks about Camino sometimes. And for the rest, practice your French ;-)

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  • serious email problems

    I’m having serious email problems receiving email. I just got off the phone with one of Apple’s OS engineers who also happens to be a friend ;-) and we’ve determined that it’s definitely not my fault ;-) I’m blaming both Apple (makers of my client) and Yahoo (I use their paid POP access for much of my email) for screwing everything up. Not only is the POP data coming from Yahoo corrupted somehow (we looked at the protocol stream) but also managed to actually DELETE messages and corrupt others. So, if you wrote me in the last 2-3 days, please send it again! I may have lost it…

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  • World Cycling Championship

    Today I have a new movie of the World Cycling Championship up on the site. It was shot this afternoon and edited this evening in iMovie. My camera is a Sony TRV22. Here’s the blurb that I wrote up for the page, and you can go straight there by clicking on the title of this entry. The music, I nicked from a 1983 german classic.

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  • Yahoo killed my email

    I’ve been having SERIOUS problems with Yahoo! mail in the last 24 hours. I pay extra money for their POP service. But some kind of wonky message got stuck in on OS X and I’m pretty sure the problem is Apple’s. Almost as soon as I had that working again, though, suddenly I started having trouble accessing my Yahoo mailbox, even through the web interface. I just couldn’t download my messages. I’ve been getting partial downloads as well. It’s really annoying.

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